7 Ways That Can Help You Spot a Fake Item
The counterfeit industry for Adidas trainers, Louis Vuitton bags, Chanel perfumes, and makeup is huge. Others take advantage of this by selling the identical things at ridiculous prices, marketers work hard to get us to spend a fortune. Although knock-offs are typically hard to spot, counterfeits are dangerous because they lack regulations and certifications.
Counterfeiting is common, and fake products may not work properly posing health hazards,check these warning signs to spot a fake and avoid being duped. Sometimes you can tell a product is fake before buying it.
Common sense can help here you may need exclusive tips from an online brand protection professional to understand.
1. Adidas sneakers

Except for some older styles the eyelets on real Adidas shoes are not made of metal, also don’t forget to count the grommets.
Real shoes for kids and women always have six hole and shoes for men always have seven holes.
See what the words says on the back, it should cover the entire back surface and look clear. Products that aren’t real often have a small, misspelled name, deformed and mispelled logo.

Look at how the back of the shoe is shaped, this part of the real thing is flat but fakes generally have it rounded.
Also keep in mind that Adidas hasn’t made shoes with labels on the back of the heel in a while, so real shoes shouldn’t have them.
Shoes have serial numbers on the tongue tags.
Genuine pairs feature separate right and left shoe numbers, many counterfeits have the same one for both shoes.
2. Chanel perfume

Chanel Paris
First, check the bottle. Original labels should have raised lettering and be perfectly aligned. Small collar on bottle neck should be centered.
Look at the bottle base. Printing should be accurate and in the bottle’s center, not on the side. Compare th batch code and the barcode. The original barcode was on the back and base of the unopened perfume box.
3. Louis Vuitton bags

Evenly spread the design throughout the bag. The bag’s design should match itself. Cut a circle on one side of the bag in the same spot on the other.
Check the bag’s back for reversed LV logos. Louis Vuitton bags are constructed from a single continuous strip of leather, so the logos are right on the front and reversed on the back. Inspect the clasps. They should be made of genuine metal with a gold finish.
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7 Ways That Can Help You Spot a Fake Item
4.MAC lipstick

Check the box. The name of the shade and barcode should be indicated on the label.
Read the serial number on the base of the lipstick. Authentic MAC lipsticks have serial numbers beginning with A, B, or C, usually followed by 2 digits, such as A44 or B32.
Check the MAC logo on the lid. The authentic MAC logo should look almost etched into the lid of the lipstick, and the font should be much smaller in height, with the letters placed very close together. The dots on either side of the letter «A» should also be perfectly round.
Smell the lipstick. If it’s authentic, you’ll notice a mild vanilla scent. Counterfeit MAC lipsticks may smell fruity or sweet.
5. Cartier Love bracelet

Authentic Cartier jewelry is marked with a stamp that indicates the type of metal used, such as Au 750 or 750 for 18k gold, and Pt 950 or 950 for platinum.
The weight of an authentic Cartier Love bracelet typically ranges from 1 to 1.3 ounces, varying based on the specific design.
Verify the serial number. Aside from the customary hallmark present on all Cartier jewelry, both sections of the Love bracelet will display the bracelet’s unique serial number.
6. Crocs

Check the logo. Authentic Crocs will display a Duke logo imprinted on the insole. The back of the shoe should feature 2 eyes and 6 uniform potrusions, while each with 3 toes should be visible.
Genuine Crocs possess circular protrusions on the insole to enhance blood circulation.
Check the sole of the footwear. Authentic products will showcase a Crocs logo positioned at the center of one side of the sole.
7. Levi’s jeans

Check the label for any inaccuracies. Authentic Levi’s jeans always feature black lettering to designate the model, waist, and size. This is because a general label is created first, and then these characteristics are incorporated into each specific pair of jeans.
The leather label will possess an optimal shade, neither excessively light nor excessively dark, and the lettering will retain its color even with prolonged use.
Off-center labels or misspellings are additional indicators that the pants may be counterfeit.